Next trip: planned!


After a cold winter trip to Iceland, after exploring the chaotic streets of India and after visiting Bulgaria for a wedding weekend, I know where the next trip will take me: West Africa! Together with Saskia, I will visit Ivory Coast, Mali and Senegal - so if you read this and you know some good places to go, sleep, drink and / or eat, let us know! You can find my email address here.

'Depart' is almost finished!

Over the last couple of months, I've spent a lot of evenings and weekend days with working on some very cool photo books. The guys from MENDO, a renowned book shop in Amsterdam, are initiating and designing books, all published by TERRA Lannoo. I have worked on 'Starring Amsterdam', a photo book filled with pictures two photo journalists took of celebrities in Amsterdam during the roaring sixties and seventies, I wrote two forewords for a photo book of acclaimed photographer Carli Hermès and I have written every word in the soon to be finished photo book 'Depart', which features 25 Insta-famous photographers from all over the world. If you'd like to know more about the books mentioned above, check out the 'Books' section on this website. Oh, and you'll also find a link to MENDO's webshop. Pre-order time! (;

New website

Hi! And welcome on my brand new website. I'm still working on it, so if there's anything that looks weird, if links are broken or if there still are some places with weird Lorum ipsum-gibberish - you are warned! I'll upload some older blog posts now, because this part of the site looks so empty, otherwise.